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Tackling Truancy

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 6 Dec 2010 | comments*Discuss
Truancy truant playing Truant bunking

Truancy is a problem sweeping not just the UK, but the entire world. Every day millions of students play truant and miss their classes, even after they have been educated against disrupting their education. What is truancy? Why do students play truant? How does truancy affect schools and education? Read on for some interesting answers to frequently asked questions about truancy.

What is Truancy?

Truancy is an unexcused absence from a particular class or the entire school day. These absences do not have formal approval, are against the law and have long lasting consequences.

Why do Students Play Truant?

Students play truant for a variety of reasons. Common causes of truancy in the UK include:

  • To escape bullying at school.
  • Because lessons are hard and it is easier to play truant.
  • Because the truant has no interest in school.
  • Exclusions.
  • Taking holidays.
  • Visiting health professionals.
  • Running errands.
  • Bad relationships with teachers or other instructors.

What are the Consequences of Truancy?

Truancy brings consequences for the students, his or her peers, and his or her family. Consequences of truancy in the UK include:

  • A disruption to the truant's education.
  • A disruption to the entire class when lessons must be repeated.
  • The truant gaining a reputation for misbehaviour and disinterest.
  • The truant's future education being jeopardized.
  • Lower graduation/qualification/achievement rates for consistent truants.
  • Petty crime resulting from the truant becoming bored.
  • Redirection of community resources to "catch" truants.
  • Fines that the parents of consistent truants must pay.
  • Parents of consistent truants being ordered to parenting classes.
  • Imprisonment for the parents of consistent truants.

How Can I Prevent Truancy?

Truancy is a problem that teachers, parents and the government are working hard to fight. You can play a part in preventing truancy by:

  • Never playing truant.
  • Advising your friends against truancy.
  • Reminding younger students that truancy is unacceptable.
  • Offering to help truants who are returning to the classroom.
  • Never allowing truants to cheat or copy from you on work that they've missed.
  • Stepping in to stop bullying.
  • Befriending "loners" or student with few friends.
  • Encouraging others to join clubs and sports and become involved at school.
  • Joining in local anti-truancy campaigns.
Truancy is a problem that results in thousands of British students missing school every day meaning that millions of school days are lost each year. These absences disrupt not just the truant's education, but the education of every pupil in every class affected by truancy. Don't let truancy take hold in your school. Tackle truancy head on and guarantee yourself a smooth, uninterrupted education.

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