Physical Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Physical Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Anorexia and Bulimia
Anorexia and bulimia are serious eating disorders that can have lifelong consequences. This article offers information on anorexia and bulimia, warning signs of an…...
Answering Some Common Questions About Cancer
Cancer is an unfortunate and frightening disease. This article offers answer to frequently asked questions about cancer, including what it is, what are common forms,…...
Coping With PMS
Coping with PMS is something that most women will grapple with at some time in their lives. Understanding what PMS is, what common symptoms are, how to alleviate…...
Dental Braces
Dental braces are a specific type of orthodontic treatment that can leave teeth and jaws straight and healthy when used correctly. This article offers answers to…...
Girl Issues: Your Monthly Period
Girls usually get their first period between the ages of 9 and 16 years. This can be a confusing time for young women, but understanding menstruation, knowing what to…...
Having a Healthy Teen Pregnancy
Having a healthy teen pregnancy may be the last thing on a teen’s mind when she finds out that she is pregnant, but it is crucial if her baby is to be given the best…...
Puberty and Your Changing Body
Puberty is a very confusing time for many teens because their bodies change so dramatically and so fast. Here are the changes you might experience....
Reducing Unwanted Weight
Many teenagers are unhappy with their body and unsure of how to safely lose weight. This article offers information on the healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices…...
Self Harming
Teenagers may turn to self harming as a means of coping with their emotions. This article offers information on self harming, why people self harm and the types of…...
Sleeping Difficulties
Almost everyone finds it hard to sleep on occasion. This article offers information on dealing with hectic schedules, making sleep friendly lifestyle changes, dealing…...
Steroid abuse in teenagers and young men has hit the headlines nationally as it appears to be on the increase, some estimates claiming that there are as many steroid…...
Straight Facts on Smoking
Don't be fooled into thinking that smoking is harmless. This article offers information on the hazards of smoking cigarettes, why to stay away from them, and how to…...
Teens, Alcohol And Drugs
Alcohol and drugs are harmful to any teenager's health. This article offers information about how alcohol and drugs can negatively affect your life, advice on how to…...
Understanding Acne
Almost everyone experiences acne at some point in their lives. This article offers information on the causes of acne, diagnosing acne and common acne treatments....
Understanding Diabetes
Diabetes affects over 2 million Britons. This article offers information on diabetes, symptoms of diabetes, diagnosing diabetes, treating diabetes and how to find…...
Understanding Epilepsy
Almost 500,000 Britons have epilepsy. This article offers information on epilepsy, the causes of epilepsy, seizures, treatments for epilepsy and finding further…...
Understanding Migraines
Migraines affect a great many people and often begin during adolescence. If you suspect you suffer from migraines then recognising the symptoms of them and the traits…...