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Having a Healthy Teen Pregnancy

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 10 Apr 2018 | comments*Discuss
Teen Pregnancy Pregnant Teens Ante-natal

Having a healthy teen pregnancy is not impossible or even unlikely. All things being equal there is no reason that teen mothers can not have as healthy a pregnancy as any mother of any age. However, because teen pregnancies are largely unplanned there can be some unanticipated complications. The good news is that a health teen pregnancy lifestyle is easy to achieve, so mother and baby can both grow and flourish at this time.

Unanticipated Complications of Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancies are not usually planned, so there can be some complications related to the fact that teens are not aware that they are pregnant.

A delay in finding out that they are pregnant may mean that teens do not get care for themselves and their babies right away. Even if teens do know that they are pregnant care may be delayed because the mother is fearful of admitting the pregnancy or is attempting to outright deny the pregnancy. This may also mean that the teen is not eating well enough to sustain both her own growth and the baby's growth, that the teen is eating foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy or that the teen continues to smoke, drink alcohol or even take drugs while pregnant. Such choices could lead to a premature birth, low birth weight for the baby, a baby suffering from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, a baby born addicted to drugs and much more. To combat these possibilities, teens who have had unprotected sex or otherwise believe that they may be pregnant must face up to the reality as soon as possible. Their health and the health of their baby depends upon it.

Healthy Teen Pregnancy Lifestyle

But teen pregnancies do not have to be negative. Having a healthy teen pregnancy means ensuring proper antenatal care for both mother and child, choosing a fresh diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, taking gentle exercise and cutting out alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Proper antenatal care will mean working with a midwife. Throughout this time mothers will be tested for blood pressure, weight, swelling and urine. Scans and check-ups will be conducted to watch the baby's progress as well. This is also the time that pregnant women can discuss their pregnancies, plans for the baby and any questions or concerns that they might have. Midwives need to have the most complete picture of the mother's health and pregnancy possible, so it is important to be honest during these discussions. It is also important that mothers follow all instructions that midwives given them, whether it is to take special vitamins, get more exercise or even get more rest or be on total bed rest. The medical professionals who look after teen pregnancies are experienced at what they do, and they know how best to help pregnant women and their babies.

Having a healthy teen pregnancy may be the last thing on a teen's mind when she finds out that she is pregnant, but it is crucial if her baby is to be given the best health and care possible. Confirming the pregnancy and registering for ante-natal care as quickly as possible to avoid any unanticipated complications is a great way to start a healthy teen pregnancy.

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