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Teenage Pregnancy

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 17 Feb 2020 | comments*Discuss
Pregnancy teen Pregnancy teenage

Teen pregnancy rates have recently been on the rise across the UK despite measures by the government medical professionals and community interest groups to lower these levels. No one is entirely certain why this happening, but whether a teen becomes pregnant by choice or buy chance it is obvious that (s)he needs information to help him/her decide about the future. This basic overview of frequently asked questions about teenage pregnancy should give any interested teen a background on the topic, but it should not be considered a comprehensive list of answers or resources. Parents, GPs, guidance counsellors, teachers, clergy and other adults and organisations should also be consulted by any teen facing a pregnancy and uncertain of the future.

What is a Teenage Pregnancy?

A teen pregnancy is technically a pregnancy experienced by a young woman or couple in the teenaged years, between 13 and 19 years of age. For statistical purposes there may be a division made between the pregnancies of under-16 year olds and under-19 years old, and sometimes pregnancies experienced by those as young as 11 year olds are considered teenage pregnancies.

How Do Teenage Pregnancies Occur?

Teenage pregnancies occur the same way that any other pregnancies occur – as the result of sexual intercourse. Some teens may intend to get pregnant, but research suggests that the vast majority of teen pregnancies are accidental and unplanned. Broken condoms, contraceptive pills taken incorrectly, “withdrawing” too late and completely unprotected sex are often the culprits of unplanned pregnancies.

What Options Exist for Pregnant Teens?

Pregnant teens in the UK face most of the same options as any other expectant mothers or couples. The most common options include giving birth and raising a child, giving birth and putting the child up for adoption or having an abortion to terminate the pregnancy. Abortions are not available in Northern Ireland, and a young woman under the age of 16 may only have an abortion without parental consent if her doctors determine that she meets the Fraser Guidelines:

  • She understands the medical professional’s advice.

  • She can not be persuaded to inform her parents.

  • She is competent to give consent to the treatment.

  • It is in her best interest not to inform her parents of the procedure.

Teen pregnancies can be traumatic for everyone involved, not the least because few teens, their parents, relatives or friends know what kind of support is available for teen pregnancies and teen parents. If you or someone you know is facing a teen pregnancy, research the support available in your area as well as nationally with items such as housing, food, clothing and education, but most of all be there to provide emotional support regardless of the chosen outcome. Of course, the first step to seeking and finding support is telling others of a teen pregnancy, so be bold and share your secret or urge others to share theirs. Good luck!

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Hey I'm just 12 years old and I'm pregnant, but i don't care what the people say to me because I love my baby and my parents help me. I hope that young pregnant girls can accept it and live with wonderful children.
honolulu - 17-Feb-20 @ 1:09 PM
Hey guys! I'm 13 years old and I'm pregnant with twins. I don't know what I should do but I'm searching for a baby sitter. Can you help me?
tommygirl - 17-Feb-20 @ 12:56 PM
rut the cool one - Your Question:
Hi Agony Aunt, I got pregnant and im only 14, im so scared to tell my mom and dad they will freak out on me. And the problem is that I hate the father.

Our Response:
I am sorry to hear this. I can only advise that you make an appointment to see your GP as soon as possible. Your GP will do his/her best to help you resolve the issue.
TeenIssues - 23-Aug-16 @ 2:20 PM
Hi Agony Aunt, i got pregnant and im only 14, im so scared to tell my mom and dad they will freak out on me. And the problem is that i hate the father.
rut the cool one - 23-Aug-16 @ 9:38 AM
Anybody need confidential help or need someone to talk to , call me anytime and ill get back to you. Take care
- 20-Mar-15 @ 10:18 AM
Hi i'm aly 16 years old have a 5 month old son & just found out I am pregnant again. I live my with my partner as mom & dad threw me out.
aly - 5-Mar-15 @ 2:21 PM
Having got pregnant for the 1st time at just 15 there was a lot of disapproval. However, I got through that as although my mum was one of the disapprovers my boyfriends family were very supportive. Now got 2 young sons but I suppose I've been lucky my boyfriend stayed with me.
jasmine19 - 7-Jan-15 @ 3:59 PM
I'm 15years and I have repulsion in sex,,, when i have date with my boyfriend, i always anxiety!! I have to get relexed in sex.......
queen - 24-Aug-12 @ 3:16 PM
well I'm 5 months pregnant and i have left home i was too scared to let my mum and dad know they would disown me I'm going to tell them but have no idea how to.... i feel perfect i love that I'm pregnant and i have no pains my boyfriend doesn't know whether he wants to stay or not I'm living with him... I'm only 13 :D
Charles - 17-Jun-12 @ 8:01 PM
Ermmmm...teen pregnancy rates are at the lowest for 30 years.....Sinead - Have a look at Brook or FPA, they help and advise you for free and without judgement.
Beryl - 12-Jun-12 @ 5:08 PM
hello my name is sinead archibald and im 15 years old and need help finding some online classes, and im 25 weeks pregnant!
Sinead - 11-Jun-12 @ 9:10 PM
Iam 13 and me qand my boyfriend had sex the other day and I keep getting realy bad cramps and pain in my stomach also he pulled out at the last minute (he were werin a condom) but he got a big bit of sperm on me but I dint wash it of coz I got a bath so would the sperm still be able to get me pregnant in the bath???? Please any one help and I also carnt tell my mum.......
brooke - 21-Nov-11 @ 4:34 PM
Why have sex when your that young, you've basically ruined your chances of a job.
ting tong - 1-Nov-11 @ 9:24 PM
why is it clinics give condoms away free to children under 16... that tells them that they are allowed in there sense to have sex because condoms is a way to have sex free..!!
Ashee - 26-Oct-11 @ 12:21 PM
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