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Teenage Depression

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 21 Jan 2018 | comments*Discuss
Depression clinical Depression serious

Have you been feeling tired, lazy, lonely and sad? Does staying in bed all day seem preferable to going out into the world? Do the things that once made you smile now just seem to annoy you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, and these symptoms have been occurring consistently for a few weeks, then you might be depressed. Depression is no laughing matter (pardon the bad pun), so make sure you get the help you deserve by visiting your GP immediately.

What Is Depression?

A lot of people say they are depressed if they've received some bad news, had a bad day, or are feeling so tired that they can't seem to get started. While none of these things are fun, they are not clinical depression either. Clinical depression can be described as a mood so low, and so consistent, that it interferes with your daily life. Doing poorly on a test can be depressing, but when you feel so low that you stop studying and fail all of your tests - that's when clinical depression should be investigated.

What Are Common Symptoms of Depression?

There are many common symptoms of depression, though those suffering from depression may not exhibit them all. These symptoms include:

  • Unsettled or lack of sleep.
  • An overwhelming feeling of tiredness.
  • An increase in "sleeping in" or afternoon naps.
  • Difficulty concentrating throughout the day.
  • Loss of interest in favourite or previously entertaining activities.
  • Avoidance of classes, clubs, sports teams or social events.
  • Decrease in school work and performance.
  • Constant anxiety or frustration.
  • Feeling unable to become motivated or enthusiastic about anything.
  • Loss of, or excessive increase in, appetite.
  • Rapid weight loss or gain.
  • Inability to picture the future.
  • General loss of hope or feeling like giving up.
  • Little effort put into personal hygiene or appearance.
  • Believing that life isn't worth living or having suicidal thoughts.

How is Clinical Depression Diagnosed?

Visiting your GP is the first step towards diagnosing and alleviating depression. During your appointment you will need to be honest with your GP about your behaviour and emotions, and (s)he will most likely ask you questions about how you are feeling, your life and any major events that have occurred recently. Your GP may suggest a course of counselling or therapy and refer you to a psychologist or other specialist.

How is Depression Treated?

The good news about depression is that there are many options for treatment and all of them have good results. Depending on your circumstances, your doctor may recommend:

  • A prescription for anti-depressant tablets (often Prozac) to treat your symptoms.
  • Counselling to treat any underlying issues.
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy, or "talk therapy" that can help you change the way you think and react to situations.
  • More exercise and a better diet to give you a firm foundation for health.
  • Holistic therapies such as massage or aromatherapy for a natural boost.
Depression is a serious condition that is on the rise among teenagers internationally. Sometimes teenagers are embarrassed about depression and avoid their feelings rather than seek the help that they deserve. If you think that you may be depressed, don't be afraid to confront your feelings head on so that you can get treatment and move on. Don't let depression run, or ruin, your life.

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AltsheimerFlurin - Your Question:
Flurin from Bosnia and I have depressions every day. I go to school and think about suicide, go home and think about suicide. I have no friends only online. I play computer games everyday I feel better. I hurt myself every morning and bevor sleeping. I have only one arm left. I feel ashamed cause I'm bad at everything. Im ugly as hell and no girl wants me :(. Also I get bullied from my classmates. they steal my food every break, I'm hungry. At weekend I take some heroin to feel better.M/17 Flurin Bosnia

Our Response:
Heroin is definitely NOT the answer to your problems. If there is anything you should do, you should stop this heroin habit right away as it will only make your life worse long term due to its high level of dependency. If you can get help from your doctor, please do this as quickly as you can. The positive thing about life is that fortunes and circumstances can change in a blink of an eye, meaning you may not always feel this way about yourself. But only by reaching out to get help will you be able to help yourself.
TeenIssues - 7-Mar-17 @ 2:35 PM
Flurin from Bosnia and I have depressions every day. I go to school and think about suicide, go home and think about suicide. I have no friends only online. I play computer games everyday I feel better. I hurt myself every morning and bevor sleeping. I have only one arm left. I feel ashamed cause I'm bad at everything. Im ugly as hell and no girl wants me :(. Also I get bullied from my classmates. they steal my food every break, I'm hungry. At weekend I take some heroin to feel better.M/17 Flurin Bosnia
AltsheimerFlurin - 7-Mar-17 @ 7:57 AM
I just ant to say thank you to however made or helped to make this website! My lift is on a downwards spiral and it's getting harder to live my life like nothings wrong so because of reading this page I have decided to tell my friends how I am feeling and so so as I can, I will make an appointment with the doctors. I am quite embarrassed about this and can't tell my mum anything because I hate the attention I'm bound to get- good or bad. I feel that every possitve story will help others to talk just like it's helped me. Thank you everyone with all the amazing stories with the same ending- 'my life will get better and so will yours!'
A - 5-Apr-13 @ 11:35 PM
I am a Teaching Assistant in a secondary school in East Sussex, and I have been asked to put together a presentation to fellow teachers on the strategies and ways we can help young people dealing with self-harm issues, depression and related problems. I am a Mental Health nurse by profession and would like to assist the staff in our Behaviour Support Department with raising awareness of these issues, in order to help our young people. I would be grateful for any literature, leaflets, info you could let me have. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Amanda Corbett.
mandy - 14-Mar-13 @ 3:00 PM
i think you should meet up with your friends, even oncea moth. keep positive , dont ware yourself down try to be a tiny bit more social and i know you might find it hard, even i (apparently the life life and soul of the party) find i want to be alone and quiet lost in my own thoughts. do what you feel is right maybe you arelike me and get tiref of meeting friends and going out. it normal. its ok stay alone , if that makes you happy, but always stay positive and happy. good luck!
may - 13-Feb-13 @ 8:15 PM
I think i may be depressed,Im a 14 year old girl. I have many of the symtoms such as suicidal thoughts,afternoon naps,loss of appetite,wieght loss,loss of hope or feeling like giving up,and a few more.I think about suicide eveyday but I have never attepted it,I'd feel if I attempt to commit suicide but fail then I will shame my friends and family.I never leave my bedroom.I keep a journal with all of my personal thoughts and opinions of those around me,what I desire,Drawings of the things I desire.But I am constantly paranoid that everyone is staring at me,talking about me,forming a conspirancy against me,that everyone hates me,please can someone explain whats happening to me?
Rebecca. - 31-Dec-12 @ 5:01 AM
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