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Your Questions About Racism

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 31 Aug 2015 | comments*Discuss
Racism racist racialism racialist

It can be hard to turn on the television or open up the newspaper without learning about racism and racist incidents across the UK. In today's modern times everyone knows that racism is wrong, but many people don't know much more than that. If you feel undereducated about racism, read on to find answers to frequently asked questions about racism.

What is Racism?

Racism, sometimes also called racialism, is a form of discrimination or discriminatory thinking that is based on race. People who support this kind of discrimination are called racists.

What is a Race?

A race is a population of human beings that are distinguished by the colour of their skin, their known ancestry and their genetic make-up. It is important to note that many people consider there to be only one race - the human race - and they believe that any other distinctions made between people are man-made and therefore artificial.

Why Is Racism Bad?

Many racists prefer to view themselves as having pride in one's own race rather than discriminating against other races. To be more specific, this means that they have pride in what they view as their superior race, viewing all other races as inherently inferior. This means that racists look at the colour of someone's skin and make negative assumptions of that person based on nothing else.

How Does Racism Manifest Itself?

Racism manifests itself in a number of ways, including:

  • The use of offensive terms and language.
  • Making prejudiced statements about other races and members of other races.
  • Believing that people of other races are incapable as working as well/being as smart/becoming as successful as someone of your own race.
  • Believing that you are better than someone of another race.
  • Any discrimination based solely on someone's race.

What Can We Do to Fight Racism?

The more people who stand up against racism, the less likely it will be that it takes hold. To fight racism in your life:

  • Get to know everyone around you and make friends based on personality, not skin colour.
  • Do not tolerate racist jokes or conversation in your presence. Walk away if you have to, or simply tell the offender "I can't believe you just said that."
  • Refuse to support shops or companies that you feel are racist.
  • Organise an anti-racism campaign in your neighbourhood.

What Can I Do if I am the Victim of Racism?

Remaining silent in the face of discrimination is the worst thing you can do if you are the victim of discrimination, or if you witness a discriminatory event. Be sure to:

  • Confront the offender, but do not put yourself in physical danger.
  • Document the incident, including witnesses.
  • Investigate the anti-racism policies of your school, workplace, and county council.
  • Find out the procedure for reporting racism that occurs in these venues.
  • Alert the police if laws are broken or you feel physically endangered.
Racism is a global problem, and it does not just affect those who are the victims of discrimination. Racism prevents everyone from sharing in the diversity of the world, and denies everyone from the chance to enjoy and respect each other. Don't standby and let racism take hold in your community.

Actively fight racism and we can all look forward to a brighter, more interesting tomorrow.

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