Diet & Fitness...
Below are our articles on the subject of Diet & Fitness. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Eating Disorders
Eating disorders affect millions of people worldwide. This article offers basic information on anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder, including causes and…...

All About Eating Organic
Though most people recognise eating organic as avoiding foods which are produced with synthetic chemicals there are many differences amongst organic foods....

Considerations When Joining a Local Community Club
Joining a local community club can be a great way for teens to get involved and meet new people. This article discusses libraries, leisure centres, community centres…...

Cultivating a Realistic Body Image
Achieving a realistic body image can be hard. This article offers advice on moving past a negative body image to enjoy living healthfully....

No Cost Exercise
There are many options for people who want to get fit without spending money. Walking and running, using the stairs, engaging in calisthenics, swimming and borrowing…...

Organising a Healthy Diet
Organising a healthy diet is an important step toward living healthfully. This article offers information on what constitutes a healthy diet, keeping your healthy diet…...

Questionnaire: Do I Have a Healthy Lifestyle?
Most teens have a few bad habits, but some allow these habits to become an unhealthy lifestyle. This questionnaire allows teens to identify areas in which they need to…...

Steroid abuse in teenagers and young men has hit the headlines nationally as it appears to be on the increase, some estimates claiming that there are as many steroid…...

The Best Way to Keep Fit
Getting fit and staying fit are lifetime commitments. This article offers information on using exercise and a proper diet to create a healthy lifestyle....

Understanding Diet Pills
Diet pills are not magical solutions to weight loss problems, but they are items which should be taken seriously given that they interfere with your body’s normal…...