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Tips For Fitting In

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 2 Aug 2010 | comments*Discuss
Fitting In fit In making Friends

Fitting in is an elusive desire. We all want to be true to ourselves, but we know that some compromise will probably be required to be accepted by others. So how do we fit in while remaining an individual? With a lot of hard work, a little finesse and a bit of luck. Hopefully these tips will also help.

Know Your Own Mind

An old stereotype goes that teenagers are like lemmings, mindlessly following a leader even if it takes them right over the edge of a cliff. This might seem harsh, but in a lot of ways it can be correct. Few teens ever bother to sit down and examine their beliefs and opinions. When you have a few spare minutes, do exactly this. Know where you stand on current issues and hot topics, and don't be afraid to think your own thoughts. Know your own mind, or chances are good that someone will try to do it for you.

Watch the Trends

For more frivolous matters, keep up to date on what is hot and what is not. Become a trend-spotter and incorporate some of these things into your own lifestyle. If everyone is wearing leopard print, invest in a new scarf. If the whole school is quoting Borat, see the film so you can too. If it becomes cool to listen to polka, consider adding a few tracks to your iPod. Not every trend will match your natural preferences, but few trends will be truly harmful even if you hate them.

Branch Out

Just as important as fitting in is finding the group of which you want to become a part. Branch out from your normal routine to go places and do things that you enjoy. When you make an effort to meet new people, and to meet them in locations that you are comfortable with, you make it much more likely that you will meet like-minded people. If you want to meet artsy people, go to a gallery. If you want to meet athletes, hang out at the football pitch. You can't become part of a group if you can't even find the group!

Make a Few Investments

Fitting in will require you to make a few investments, and not just the monetary kind. Sure you will probably need to splash a little cash to purchase some clothes and accessories to help you fit in, but you'll also need to invest time and energy towards finding and making new friends. This means that you will be taking these resources away from other areas of your life, so make sure that these new friends will be worth it.

Fitting in is a challenge that everyone faces, and unfortunately it doesn't end when you leave your teenage years behind. To make sure you spend your time and energy fitting in with worthy friends, know your own mind and look for people who share your values and basic beliefs. Don't change everything about yourself to fit someone else's image, and don't ask others to do that for you. Instead, enjoy the natural diversity of your community and look for friends from all walks of life. Good luck!

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